Architect: Andre L. Johnson, AIA
Location: Laurel Hill, North Carolina
100 Word Description: The Brown Assembly and Dining Hall Pavilion is a 6,000 square foot religious facility that functions as a central facility for youth of the missionary Baptist church across the state of North Carolina during summer camps. The building replaces an older building that burned down in 2008.
Architect’s Statement: The building program was simple: a large assembly area with supporting spaces. Early on, the idea of connection to the beautiful site settings was used to drive the design. The design approach used familiar church materials such as wood. The design solution focused on a connection with nature and merging the interior with the exterior. Simple forms were used to create an interesting composition.
Type of Construction: The building is constructed of steel structure with metal studs and custom fabrication moment open web steel joists. The mechanical systems are light commercial split system heat pumps. The exterior materials are black micro rib metal wall panels and natural finish Atlantic cedar wood planks. The interior ceiling is the same material as the exterior wood planks bringing the continuity from outside to inside.