1) International Existing Building Code Adoption/Rehab Code Elimination – The Code Council accepted AIA’s recommendation to move forward with the new IEBC adoption with a 3-year phase out of the existing Rehab Code. The new IEBC will go into effect March 1, 2015 with the final elimination of the Rehab Code of March 1, 2018. We want to thank Leah Faile, AIA who is one of the two architect members on the Council for championing the AIA’s motion to allow for the gradual phase out of the Rehab Code.
2) Move to a 6-year Code Cycle – After taking one hour of testimony and hearing from 34 organizations and individuals against the idea of a 6-year code adoption cycle and only 2 for it, the Council moved forward with a motion to go ahead with the 6-year cycle anyway. Prior to a vote on this motion Council member Alan Purdue made a substitute motion to table the action until the Council’s next meeting in March 2014. That motion passed by a 8-6 margin. This gives supporters of the existing 3-year adoption cycle another 3 months to develop a strategy to try and stop the BCC’s march back to the future.